How to “prepare for “ and “manage” uncertainties

How to “prepare for “ and “manage” uncertainties James 1:2-4 Statement ”Preparations are seldom adequate; however, the absence of any makes the future precarious “ life is surely full of surprises. No one knows exactly how the future will look like, we live by faith and look forward to tomorrow with hope. Those who are…

James 1:2-4

Statement: “Preparations are seldom adequate; however, the absence of any makes the future precarious.”

Life is surely full of surprises. No one knows exactly what the future holds. We live by faith and look forward to tomorrow with hope. Those who are devoid of hope and faith dread the future and its unpredictable outcomes, while the hopeful are generally cheerful. In these times of drastic upheavals, the world is increasingly becoming despondent and cynical.

We are witnessing more violence, rage, recklessness, and resentment painted all over social media and in real-time encounters. There is ample evidence pointing to the fact that the world is sick and corrupt, and unfortunately, the Church is not immune. Why all this negativity and depression? The answer lies in the pages of the Bible.

James 1:2-4 NKJV: [2] My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, [3] knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. [4] But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

The text above considers the flickering, fluctuating, unsettling, and fluid nature of life on earth. James was writing to troubled disciples who were facing persecution and adversities. As the political environment became volatile, the disciples were becoming unsettled in their faith and hope, hence the need for encouragement. Similarly, the Church today is planted in a troubled world and society. We are forced to confront our fears and anxieties daily and often hesitantly.

How to Prepare for Adversities

Consider It All Joy

By revelation and illumination, we can perceive opportunities in our trials. The carnal mind considers the trials of our faith as foolishness. It is a natural mind that has not been transformed from darkness into light. It takes the wisdom of Elohim to see beyond the natural mind. Those who have a Christlike nature can see exceeding joy beyond temporal challenges.

Hebrews 12:2 NKJV: [2] looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Disciples of Yahshua possess a supernatural measure of cheerfulness and calm delight. Their elevated perception causes them to despise the shame of suffering and hardships. They see suffering as a badge of honor. To a person of faith, trials attempt to prove the genuineness and quality of their faith in Christ. Trials come to test the fidelity, constancy, virtue, and integrity of their character. After you are tried, comes affirmation and establishment. A trained believer will see in challenges the opportunity to grow in faith, ministry, and leadership.

To consider it all joy also includes the idea of being able to influence oneself to commit to a course, to guide and direct oneself to make the right decisions in the process. So, a believer should expect to face challenges that are beyond their natural resources and power for the sake of their faith. They should also be determined to walk through fierce opposition with a focused mind. There is abundant grace available for each believer to overcome the world.

Why Suffer?

There are stupendous benefits outlined in the scriptures for suffering for Christ: proof of faith, endurance, patience, completion, and perfection.

1 Peter 1:7 NKJV: [7] that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

We are toughened to withstand pain, negativity, disappointment, hardships, and sudden changes as we allow ourselves to go through pain by faith. Yehshua had earlier alluded to the Church’s ability to prevail against the hostility of her arch-enemy (Satan) because of His permanent support for her. Christ is with you on this journey. He has promised not to forsake you. You’re not alone. His manifest presence and love will never let go of your life. As you choose a proactive Christian lifestyle, you will mature into the fullness of the stature of Christ.

Managing Uncertainties

As we proceed, I will share more on how you can manage uncertainties in your life. Stay with me; we have just started.